League of Angels

Introduction of Sky God’s Hunt

May 14, 2020


New gameplay - Sky God’s Hunt is coming! Players can go to challenge the Sky God’s Hunt to win wonderful rewards, including the gorgeous wings, the relic skin and Legendary Equipment Chest! 

Entrance: Leader Lobby - Sky God’s Hunt


Rules of Sky God’s Hunt

1. There are 6 Floors in the Sky God’s Hunt, 5 Bosses in each floor corresponding to different levels and rewards. Each Boss will 100% drop an Equipment Chest, open to get a 1-3 Star randomly Equipment.


2. All of the Sky God’s Hunt bosses have individual affiliation, the drop rewards are only belong to the player who have Boss affiliation, other players cannot get the rewards.

3. The first player to attack gets affiliation. Kill the affiliated player to take their affiliation. You will lose affiliation if you leave the boss area.

4. Obtaining Boss Affiliation will deduct 1 challenge attempt. You will be removed from the map when your challenge attempts reach 0.

5. You will recover 5 challenge attempts every day, and you can purchase 1 extra time to get 3 challenge attempts, costs 60 Gold.


6. The Bosses in each floor will be refreshed at a certain time.


Warriors, stop waiting and challenge it to get great rewards!