League of Angels

  • Introduction of Mount & Spirit
    Dec 04, 2019

    Introduction of Mount & Spirit

    A good mount is not only because it can improve the player's movement speed and various attributes, but also because of its amazing growth potential. As the story progresses, players will obtain the Mount – Twilight Deer. Just train it carefully, it will become a more powerful Mount to help you fight.
  • Introduction of Angel System
    Dec 04, 2019

    Introduction of Angel System

    Angel is a major feature in our game. There are two types of Angel – Angel of Light and Angel of Darkness. They all have powerful skills when you unlock the Angels, you can use Transformation Skill.
  • Introduction of Equipment System
    Dec 04, 2019

    Introduction of Equipment System

    Equipment System is one of the core part in League of Angels – Heaven’s Fury. And there are several kinds of equipment, the way to obtain each kind of equipment is different.